Direct Ship Flowers

Direct Ship Flowers Versus Your Local Florist.
Over the past number of years a number of online companies have continued to offer so called fresh from the fields flowers in direct competition with retail local florist. In this test that was conducted back in August of 2005 we compared our weekly standing order of roses to an order that was placed with one of these online flower stores. This test was conducted over a 5 day period in which we handled both products exactly the same cleaning and removing excess greens and placing the stems in fresh water.
Online companies that claim of having fresher product then a local florist may or may not be true. Not every florist operates the same. However if these roses are fresher than ours by maybe a week or so how come they wilted after 5 days while our roses continued on.
We see many problems with these direct ship companies. Most of the time they use pictures of their products showing beautifully created flower arrangements making the consumer think they are getting a designed product arranged in a glass vase.
They also claim that their flowers are fresher because their product is direct from the growers fields.
However the biggest problem with these companies is that they continue to devalue the flower industry to the consumer with false advertising as well as misleading savings.